Monday, February 29, 2016

Twitter for Educators

Twitter is one of the world’s most popular social media platforms, but why is that important for educators?  Building a solid network of professionals can be a huge benefit to your teaching practices, and Twitter can also be used by your students to share their learning with an authentic global audience.  This session was devoted to setting up a Twitter account, discussing how to use Twitter for professional development, and sharing ideas about how to use Twitter with your students.  

Monday, February 22, 2016

Creation Apps to Use with Seesaw

Seesaw is great for documenting learning, but how can you use it other than just pictures and videos?  We will look at a handful of apps that allow students to use their creativity to show their learning in different ways.  These apps are all kid and teacher friendly and allow students to easily put their projects into Seesaw.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Chromebook Troubleshooting

As we begin to look ahead to year two of Orono PLUS, all students in grades 3-5 will have access to their own Chromebook.  While students can be very tech savvy and solve a lot of issues on their own, or by asking a classmate, there is still a need for teachers to know some general troubleshooting steps.  The presentation below is an interactive troubleshooting guide.   If you are looking for something not in this presentation please let me know, and I will add that topic.

By clicking on the topic in the table of contents you will get step by step instructions on how to solve the problem.  As always, please feel free to reach out to the tech staff or put in a SchoolDude request if you are unsure or have questions.